For this study, we recorded the conversations between “dinosaurs” and “unicorns” in the Latin American inancial sector. How they engage with each other when they meet, how they get to know each other a little better and how they face the question to work or not work together. Let’s start at the beginning, when the big inancial institutions and FinTech startups meet and do not understand each other. They speak different languages and that translates into initial distrust. “[Some FinTechs] attack key products of the bank, those being part of the core of their business: personal loans, credit cards and current accounts.” S. Furio, founder of Creditas Institutional conversation, February 26, 2018 For their part, FinTech companies see inancial corporates with a mixture of admi- ration, distrust and frustration. They admire the success and the impact they have on the industry, but they are afraid to share information about their technologies and business models with them for fear of their ideas being stolen and frustrated that they move so slowly and have to comply with so many rules. It is a dialogue that falls on deaf ears, an exchange of prejudices until the mythical animals begin to “smell” themselves in neutral spaces as innovation platforms, col- laborative events, acceleration programs, even hackathons and start looking for ways to coexist positively, how to lower the defenses, get to know each other better; then they realize that corporations are far less dinosaurs and startups are not ‘unicorn’. The myth is broken, a common language is found and the conclusion is reached that collaboration is not only possible, but urgent! A TWO-WAY PATH36

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