In a country like Mexico, where 61% of adults do and acceptance within the country by offering not have a bank account and the digital transac -solutions adapted to the needs of micro and tions are not trusted, Visa has an essential role.small businesses, becoming themselves agents of change in Mexico. In 2014, “Saldazo”, an initiative fostering inancial inclusion through a debit account acquired at Among Visa’s initiatives are to collaborate with VISA MEXICO Oxxo and issued by Banamex under the Visa Startupbootcamp FinTech in Latin America, platform, was launched. Currently, Saldazo has which not only is an accelerator focused on added more than 6 million people to the formal the FinTech sector, but also a breeding ground banking. of possibilities for inancial institutions. Visa also launched with Finnovista the competition Very-well tools such as checks and cash had Visa Everywhere Initiative to call entrepreneurs been left behind. Currently, Visa is going for to solve challenges presented by the company. the use of technology to make payments in a Likewise, Visa created the Visa Developer Center secured manner and, eventually, supersede the portal, where any FinTech entrepreneur may use of cash, and even the use of a physical card, exploit the 200 APIs and more than 30 solutions with digital transactions. that may help to their projects but, above all, its Visa Developer platform is seeking to become a That is how in 2018, Visa formed an alliance with marketplace where entrepreneurs, banks and any Samsung Pay, an app preloaded in the high-end independent developer may generate innovations. of Samsung phones that turns the device into a payment method. This way, the consumer may go In 2018, Visa is a company present all over the to any business having a magnetic band reader world servicing millions of users thanks to its terminal and/or no-contact technology and, to strategic allies: the banks, businesses, govern- pay his consumption, he approaches his phone ments and FinTechs of every region. As the to the terminal, the app asks to authenticate the main player in its market, and a global payment purchase, which is done with the user’s ingerprint technology company, Visa is accountable for and the plastic never left home; this reduces the continuing innovation of the digital services in possibility of lost or theft. the inancial industry. Visa also supports efforts and disruption of com- panies such as Clip, iZettle, Billpocket, among others, which offer terminals, point of sales for business requiring a banking terminal, but may not pay for the implementation of a banking equipment. These initiatives of FinTech entre- preneurship allow to increase the points of sales A TWO-WAY PATH93

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