chapter 03 PROVIDERS, CHALLENGERS AND DISRUPTORS In 1996, Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff identiied that the dynamics between actors in an industry were changing to adapt to a world that was growing faster and a phenomenon was being generated in which competitors cooperated to grow the market for all. This new type of interaction was called “Coopetition.” This concept invites to transcend the vision of business as a game in which the points that one loses are won by another; a zero sum game in which whoever has the most points wins. The greatest opportunities occur when players collaborate to change the rules of the game and generate a larger and more valuable market in which they can continue competing. In an industry entering this dynamic, at different moments two of the same players may see other as suppliers, buyers, competitors or strategic allies (Hamel & Prahalad, 1996). FinTechs can adopt different roles regarding inancial institutions depending on their vocation, the stage of development they are in, the it of their value proposition in the value chain of inancial services and the objective of the relationship: suppliers, challengers and disruptors (see igure 5). A TWO-WAY PATH40

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