Congress and Banco de México, with the participation of multiple entrepreneurs and the Banking industry, the Ley para Regular las Instituciones de Tecnología Financiera [Law for the Regulation of Financial Technology Institutions] (“FinTech Law”) was enacted, which was the irst specialized law in the region. Like the rest of the laws of the inancial sector, this law provides a framework for new activities allowed in the inancial sector. The FinTech Law has as its principles the promotion of inancial inclusion and com- petition, the protection of the consumer, the preservation of inancial stability and the prevention of illicit operations (see igure 4). The FinTech Law covers a very broad spectrum, of which we offer some insight in terms of its main potential implications at the industry and customer level. PICTURE 4 Principles governing the FinTech Law Preservation of inancial stability Financial inclusion and innovation Consumer protection Prevention of money laundry Promotion of competition Source: Dirección de Desarrollo Regulatorio [Regulatory Development Bureau], CNBV A TWO-WAY PATH24

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